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Supernatural Studies

The "Wobble" Study

Did you feel it?  Have you noticed the ground wobble under your feet?  Recently it has been proven that the entire east coast of the USA has been wobbling back and forth.  Submit your observations below...

The "Dragon" Study

Have you had an experience with a 5D Dragon?  Do you have footage to share?  Have you or someone you know been bitten (burned) by a Dragon?  Please submit your observations below...

Fill out the form below and your observations will be added to the "Wobble Study"

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The "Black Goo" Study

Did you feel it?  Have you noticed the ground wobble under your feet?  Recently it has been proven that the entire east coast of the USA has been wobbling back and forth.  Submit your observations below...

Fill out the form below and your observations will be added to the study.

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Fill out the form below about an experience with a "5D Dragon" and it will be included in our study.

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The "Bible Changes" Study

What verses of the Bible has you noticed that have Supernaturally changed?  Please fill out the form below and submit the verses that have changed and include what you believe it said before the change.

Fill out the form below.  (Submit ONLY 1 Bible change per submission.)  Submit additional changes by refreshing the page and starting again for each change.

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